friendly pest control services

general pest contrOL
As a homeowner, the last thing we need is to sit down after a long day and worry about pests in our homes. Our technicians are here to alleviate this problem. The five most common pests for the average American household are ants, spiders, mice, termites, and roaches. Below are more in-depth descriptions of pests we encounter here in Central Arizona and how we deal with them. Here at Friendly we don’t spray poison and move-on. We take great pride in saving the lives of protected animals and beneficial animals like bees; in some cases pests like wasps, spiders, and ants are aggressively targeted for your protection.
Rodent exclusion, trapping & repellent
At Friendly Pest Control, we have opted to not use poison in dealing with rodents and using non-toxic rodent repellent. When wildlife animals consume other pests that have been poisoned it can be detrimental to the ecosystem. Some pesticides may remain in the animal long after its death making it toxic for extended periods of time. The side effects of secondary poisoning can lead to reduced reproductive success, birth defects, developmental issues, persistent internal bleeding, and death. The number of wildlife deaths associated with secondary poisoning is not well known and mass die-offs of predators and scavengers have been documented. For some species, the loss of even a few individuals can impact the entire population. Luckily with Friendly Pest Control’s help, Arizona residents can help their homes without harming the environment.
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Friendly goes the extra mile for clients. Each call by a pest control technician is backed up with videos of each service call showing customers the exact trouble spots, what to look for, and an in-depth account of what services are provided. From these videos or one-on-one interactions with technicians, customers can have a feeling of complete control over their home without the guilt of potentially causing harm to the surrounding environment.
Matt Abney
If you can’t think of a woodpecker without conjuring images of a red-headed mischievous bird with an annoying laugh, then you might’ve had a decent childhood. Unfortunately, woodpeckers can not only be mischievous, but downright harmful to structures. Just like many other pests with wings, woodpeckers are protected migratory birds. Poisoning a woodpecker is just as illegal as trapping or hunting them. Luckily Friendly Pest Control has gotten creative in our treatments. Our technicians use a liquid repellent that smells like purple/grape soda and spray it into eaves where they are pecking at your home. This product masks the scent of their urine that they use to mark a home as a storage site for their acorns and other food stores.
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“Getting a home woodpecker-free is a big process because we do a lot at the beginning so we can shock them into not even recognizing the home. In addition to the spray, we also use visual deterrents that flash and scare them. They have one of the best sights of all the birds. They are very sensitive to flashes and will not stick around for them.""
Christopher Gould

Fire ants are difficult to control for several reasons: the colonies are often very large and extend under the ground a great distance, and different types of ants behave and are attracted to different things. Colonies often have multiple queens, so they can recover if a part of the colony and a queen or two have been killed, and they often occur in large numbers so that when you have eliminated one colony another will likely move in to occupy the space. For these reasons, you will need trained professionals to get rid of the different types of ants. If you suspect an infestation, please contact us at 928-363-4232.

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The first step is an inspection by a Friendly Pest Control technician who, upon finding a hive, calls a trusted local partnering beekeeper. They then find and remove the queen and stuff her in a large bag. Once the queen is safe in the bag. The rest of the hive will follow. The bees are then transported to bee boxes in a safe, remote location to continue to provide natural benefits for humans everywhere.
Unfortunately, bees can get inside a wall in a home and they can’t be removed without severe damage to the home. In these unfortunate instances, the hive must be treated and die. Prudent measures are then taken to ensure all the hive and honey are out of the wall so ants aren’t attracted and start a whole new mess.
wasps & yellow jackets

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According to Friendly Pest Control technicians, when trying to rid a home of spiders, it can be tricky. Spiders are stubborn and may take a couple of treatments to get an infestation under control. A spider will deposit an egg sack and produce dozens of babies. Once they hatch, they spread like a carnivorous wildfire.
It is important to keep up maintenance treatments year-around to maintain control of the home and avoid a major surge of activity around the great Spring hatching around March each year.
Only for already-owned homes and post-construction treatments. Not for refi, buying/selling of a home, or pre-construction treatments.
Annually, termites cause an estimated $7 billion in damage to homes and businesses in the USA. Arizona is home to dry-wood and subterranean termites. According to the Arizona Department of Agriculture, the subterranean termite can severely damage structural timbers in homes, buildings, utility poles, and other structures built with cellulose materials. Many unsuspecting homeowners have termites invading their home and they don’t even realize; but, all types of termites leave tell-tale signs of their intrusions. With any level of activity detected our technicians licensed in termite work will come out and complete an assessment of the home and provide treatment proposals you can choose from to protect your home.

5 Signs of a Termite Infestation
Do you have a window or door that recently feels stuck, or suddenly became much harder to open or close?
Is your paint or wallpaper suddenly peeling or bubbling up?
Look closely in light fixtures and window sills. You will find discarded wings or carcasses of the ones who didn’t make it.
These mud tubes can be found running up walls. If you break one open, you may find termite larva inside. If not, come back later to see if the tube has been repaired. Even if you didn’t find live termites or the mud hasn’t been repaired, it doesn’t mean they aren’t in your home. They may have just moved to another section for a different buffet.
Little piles in corners and window sills are good indicators of termites. This is simply the refuse of a termite’s digested meal..yep…termite poop. Many explain this as looking like tiny wood pellets or sawdust.
We’ve all heard the age-old tale of how roaches would be one of the last living creatures on Earth in the event of a nuclear holocaust or asteroid impact. Our technicians have been trained in how we deal with the different types of roaches. They come out to do an inspection where they identify the type of roaches in or around the home, and provide a solution suitable for the problem.
“Some homes, depending on the infestation, can be treated either once or it can take as long as a month,” said Gould. According to Gould, one of the most important aspects of treating roaches is relaying the message to homeowners of the problem spots in their house. It can be a sensitive topic because many times roaches are attracted to an unclean area with a food source. Many people do not want to acknowledge or are embarrassed by having a technician point out sources of food for roaches. Most homeowners are amazed when a technician shows a homeowner trouble spots like behind a fridge or under a stove. “Just a small bit of material in a dark secluded area can feed a good number of roaches for quite some time."
Christopher Gould

We’ve all heard the age-old tale of how roaches would be one of the last living creatures on Earth in the event of a nuclear holocaust or asteroid impact. Our technicians have been trained in how we deal with the different types of roaches. They come out to do an inspection where they identify the type of roaches in or around the home, and provide a solution suitable for the problem.

“Some homes, depending on the infestation, can be treated either once or it can take as long as a month,” said Gould. According to Gould, one of the most important aspects of treating roaches is relaying the message to homeowners of the problem spots in their house. It can be a sensitive topic because many times roaches are attracted to an unclean area with a food source. Many people do not want to acknowledge or are embarrassed by having a technician point out sources of food for roaches. Most homeowners are amazed when a technician shows a homeowner trouble spots like behind a fridge or under a stove. “Just a small bit of material in a dark secluded area can feed a good number of roaches for quite some time."
Christopher Gould
Fleas & Ticks
Fleas have been the bane of human existence for centuries. These minuscule bloodsuckers have been immortalized even in Renaissance paintings. The Parisian artist Nicolas Lancret (1690-1743), highlighted fleas in a couple of his genre paintings, where he painted the image of ladies searching themselves for fleas. Also, people in the olden days of Europe developed fashion items out of flea traps that were typically ornately carved tubes that were worn like necklaces or suspended from wrists with ribbons. The flea traps typically attracted the fleas with a couple of drops of blood on a cloth shoved inside the tube with honey smeared on the inner walls. Once the fleas entered the tubes, they were trapped in the sticky substance.
These days, fleas are handled with much more sophistication and technology. Call us today to schedule a Flea or Tick assessment at 928-363-4232.

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Fleas & Ticks
Fleas have been the bane of human existence for centuries. These minuscule bloodsuckers have been immortalized even in Renaissance paintings. The Parisian artist Nicolas Lancret (1690-1743), highlighted fleas in a couple of his genre paintings, where he painted the image of ladies searching themselves for fleas. Also, people in the olden days of Europe developed fashion items out of flea traps that were typically ornately carved tubes that were worn like necklaces or suspended from wrists with ribbons. The flea traps typically attracted the fleas with a couple of drops of blood on a cloth shoved inside the tube with honey smeared on the inner walls. Once the fleas entered the tubes, they were trapped in the sticky substance.
These days, fleas are handled with much more sophistication and technology. Call us today to schedule a free Flea or Tick assessment at 928-363-4232.

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Fleas & Ticks
Fleas have been the bane of human existence for centuries. These minuscule bloodsuckers have been immortalized even in Renaissance paintings. The Parisian artist Nicolas Lancret (1690-1743), highlighted fleas in a couple of his genre paintings, where he painted the image of ladies searching themselves for fleas. Also, people in the olden days of Europe developed fashion items out of flea traps that were typically ornately carved tubes that were worn like necklaces or suspended from wrists with ribbons. The flea traps typically attracted the fleas with a couple of drops of blood on a cloth shoved inside the tube with honey smeared on the inner walls. Once the fleas entered the tubes, they were trapped in the sticky substance.
These days, fleas are handled with much more sophistication and technology. Call us today to schedule a Flea or Tick assessment at 928-363-4232.

Let’s face it; we live in a fast-paced world and the last thing we need is another task to juggle each month, like remembering to schedule your next pest control visit. Give us a call to get scheduled for a regularly scheduled General Pest maintenance plan that fits your needs. 928-363-4232
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about us
Our pest control technicians are proud to live in the communities they serve. There’s just something about being a part of the community that takes the edge off of scheduling a pest control visit. Ever since we’ve opened our doors we’ve been breaking the ice with every new visit to every new neighbor who’s called on us to help them out with their pest control needs.
If you’re having pest control problems – or better yet if your not having pest control problems and want to keep it that way, we’d love to meet you and show you how we can keep your home free of unwelcome pests (sorry, in-laws not included)