Most Common Pest Issues in Heber-Overgaard

Most Common Pest Issues in Heber-Overgaard

Pest issues are a frequent source of stress for homeowners in Heber-Overgaard. Seeking food, water, and shelter, pests of various species infiltrate our homes and bring all sorts of trouble in with them. Some of the most common pest issues we have to deal with in our area include:

  • RodentsMany species of rodents thrive in Heber-Overgaard, including mice, rats, squirrels, and chipmunks. Our homes offer rodents many remote and sheltered spaces in which to make a nest and raise young. When rodents begin living inside your home, they’ll gnaw at everything, including wires, insulation, drywall, and wood. A rodent infestation can also spread diseases like leptospirosis and hantavirus.
  • AntsThere are several ant species that often infest local homes, including odorous house ants, carpenter ants, harvester ants, and fire ants. These ant species often raid our kitchen for scraps of food, and their presence can spread harmful bacteria like E. coli and salmonella. Carpenter ants can be very destructive by building tunnels through your wooden walls. Both fire ants and harvester ants are venomous pests that will deliver painful stings if you come too close to their nest.
  • TermitesWood-devouring pests that live in huge colonies, termites are some of the worst pest issues in Heber-Overgaard. Termites will eat through all wooden components of your home, including walls, floors, and support structures. Their voracious tunneling can cause thousands of dollars of damage and eventually result in structural instability throughout your home.
  • WaspsStinging insects, including yellow jackets, paper wasps, and mud daubers, often use our homes and yards to build their nests. Sometimes, these nests are well hidden and it’s easy to come too close without realizing it. Wasps are aggressive venomous insects that will sting repeatedly if they perceive you as a threat to their nest, sometimes attacking in a whole swarm.

Contact Friendly Pest Control today if you’re looking for professional pest control services in the Heber-Overgaard area!

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